Monday, September 7, 2009

New research group at college

Stevenson Research Group – 4/9/09

The following are minutes from the first meeting of the Stevenson research group. If you are interested please contact me.

The aim of this first meeting was to explore the purpose and functions of a research group.

The group could potentially give support to those currently involved in research within the college. Three pieces of current research were discussed:

Knowledge management and communities of practice: how people share information within the college.
Does blended learning develop independent learning skills : an action research project in health care.
Student engagement within the college: a student-lecturer research group researching the implementation of a college strategy on learner engagement. (Not yet started)

The group would act as a forum for sharing ideas on research and research findings.

This could be done in regular group meetings
Through Illuminating Practice publication and Broadcast
Wider college events focussing on staff and student research
Could share research findings with other colleges, perhaps through Scotland’s Colleges.

Carry out specific pieces of research for the college

We need to establish areas of priority for the college. Karen to speak to Fiona Gunn re this, particularly in relation to funding.
Need to consider how we publish research
Carrying out pieces of research would raise our profile and potentially attract funding.

Particular Issues and action points

Need an ethics committee. Karen and Alma to speak to FERRN (further education regional research network) about this. Perhaps Scotland’s Colleges could facilitate this, rather than colleges doing so individually. Karen to raise issue with Fiona Gunn.
As a starting point it would be good if everyone actively involved in research wrote up a short summary of their research proposal and what point they are at currently. This could include any findings or questions that have arisen. These should be emailed to Karen for inclusion with the next edition of ‘Illuminating Practice’.

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