Monday, September 28, 2009

The nature of groups


The nature of groups:

“ The misconception which has haunted philosophic literature throughout the centuries is the notion of independent existence. There is no such mode of existence. Every entity is only to be understood in terms of the way it is interwoven with the rest of the universe.”

(A.N. Whitehead, quoted in Hughes 1980:32)

While each individual exerts control over his or her life, we have to acknowledge that the individual has been formed and shaped by group interaction and the “complex matrix of social groupings past and present, which serve to maintain…a state of personal equilibrium. “ (Douglas: 1986)

We are all shaped, and continue to be shaped by groups. From birth to death we are members of complex systems of groups, which continue to influence us throughout our lives. This is particularly true of the family which exerts wide reaching influence on us, (no matter where we are), mainly because of our dependent state in early years.

For most of the time, we probably don’t pay too much attention to understanding groups, or group processes. It’s only when things go wrong: when a group feels really difficult to be in; behaviours seem inexplicable; when we go into a class feeling apprehensive, and leave feeling even worse, that it’s worth really trying to understand what happens in groups. If you and your students can understand the process more, then you and your students can make more informed choices about how the group operates.

Students, may well present as balanced individuals, ready to study and engage in the classroom, but anxiety, unfamiliar territory and unpredictability, can create a dynamic leading to dis-equilibrium and a range of puzzling, if not challenging behaviours. The behaviours may well be just as puzzling to the student . We also need to consider our own behaviours and how these impact on the goup.

What may seem to be difficult or puzzling behaviours, can be understood if we apply some of the key theories relating to groups.

1. Group development

Arguably groups go through a developmental cycle. The most popular of theories here is Tuckman’s theory of group development( forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning)


This helps us consider that groups need different approaches from teachers/tutors at different points in their development.

2. Group roles

There are many theories around group roles e.g Belbin , but for lecturers , particular attention needs to focus on a) the task (what you the need to class to learn), b) the maintenance of the group (getting the group to work well together) and c) the individual (behaviours that often seem to be working against the group or the task).

Some of the roles are described by Benne and Sheats below:

• Group task roles. These assume that the task of the group is to select, define and solve common problems. Any group member or the group leader may perform any of these.

 Initiator-contributor
 Information seeker
 Opinion seeker
 Information giver
 Opinion giver
 Elaborator
 Co-ordinator
 Orienter
 Evaluator-critic
 Energiser
 Procedural technician
 Recorder

• Group building and maintenance roles. Activities which build group-centred attitudes or maintain group-centred behaviour.

 Encourager
 Harmoniser
 Compromiser
 Gatekeeper and expeditor
 Standard setter
 Group observer and commentator
 Follower

• Individual role. Directed towards the satisfaction of personal needs (not related to group needs).

 Aggressor
 Blocker
 Recognition-seeker
 Dominator
 Help-seeker
 Special interest pleader

An understanding of group roles can help us work out the balance of roles within a group, and recognise when individuals may feel excluded. Everyone wants to feel included within a group, but past experiences, roles within previous groups, and individual needs may lead to behaviours that are rejected by the group and teacher . If there are several group members with unmet individual needs this may well dominate the class, preventing attainment of the task.

Questions for discussion:

1. Do you recognise a sense of group develoment in your classes, and do you adjust your teaching style accordingly.

2. Do you recognise the different roles taken on in groups ? Are you aware of individual needs dominating at times, and how do you deal with this?


Benne, K D and Sheats, P ‘Functional Roles of Group Members’ Journal of Social Issues vol.4, 1948 pp. 41-9

Douglas,T (1986) Group Living. London: Tavistock

Hughes, R (1980) The shock of the New. London: BBC publications.

FERRN meeting

Here's some notes from the latest FERRN meeting. A couple of recent research and policy papers are included which may be worth discussing at EDDG.

1. The winter seminar will be on the 4th December and the keynote speaker will be John Field, from Stirling university. He has completed a paper on lifelong learning , well-being and happiness, which basically examines whether lifelong learning leads to ‘happiness’. More information on him at Perhaps this could be a discussion topic for EDDG ?
2. In the afternoon we will be examining the issues around ethics and ethical approval for research in colleges. That was in response to raising the issue from our research group.
3. Anne Gillen fedback on a policy report by Tom Schuller: and again this may be worth discussing at EDDG
4. This year’s ‘What’s Next ?’ conference, hosted by Scotlands’ Colleges is on Tuesday 24th of November. Anne Gillen really recommended the keynote speaker, saying he was one of the most inspirational speakers she had heard :
“The day will end with our Inspirational Speaker and this year we are delighted to welcome Dr. Sanford C. "Sandy" Shugart, president of Valencia Community College, Florida, one of the USA's largest and most celebrated two-year colleges. Valencia is particularly well regarded for its learning centred approach and its economic development programmes. Sandy is also a published poet and songwriter and has been described as a ‘renaissance man'. He is able to blend his artistic and college work to inspirational effect.”

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What is teaching ?

Here's something from Autumn Roesch-Marsh, who has clearly got time to reflect since she moved to Stirling Uni:

'The role of the teacher is not to tell others what to do, not to issue edicts, nor to assist in the constitution of prophesies, promises, injunctions and programs. The task of the teacher is not to affirm prevailing general politics of teaching but to question critically the self-evident, disturb the habitual, dissipate the familiar and accepted, making the strange familiar and the familiar strange . . . The classroom is therefore a place of invention rather than reproduction' Wen-Song Hwu 1998 pg 33.

What do you think ?

Friday, September 25, 2009

The socratic tutorial

Check out this SlideShare Presentation from Susan:

Monday, September 7, 2009

New research group at college

Stevenson Research Group – 4/9/09

The following are minutes from the first meeting of the Stevenson research group. If you are interested please contact me.

The aim of this first meeting was to explore the purpose and functions of a research group.

The group could potentially give support to those currently involved in research within the college. Three pieces of current research were discussed:

Knowledge management and communities of practice: how people share information within the college.
Does blended learning develop independent learning skills : an action research project in health care.
Student engagement within the college: a student-lecturer research group researching the implementation of a college strategy on learner engagement. (Not yet started)

The group would act as a forum for sharing ideas on research and research findings.

This could be done in regular group meetings
Through Illuminating Practice publication and Broadcast
Wider college events focussing on staff and student research
Could share research findings with other colleges, perhaps through Scotland’s Colleges.

Carry out specific pieces of research for the college

We need to establish areas of priority for the college. Karen to speak to Fiona Gunn re this, particularly in relation to funding.
Need to consider how we publish research
Carrying out pieces of research would raise our profile and potentially attract funding.

Particular Issues and action points

Need an ethics committee. Karen and Alma to speak to FERRN (further education regional research network) about this. Perhaps Scotland’s Colleges could facilitate this, rather than colleges doing so individually. Karen to raise issue with Fiona Gunn.
As a starting point it would be good if everyone actively involved in research wrote up a short summary of their research proposal and what point they are at currently. This could include any findings or questions that have arisen. These should be emailed to Karen for inclusion with the next edition of ‘Illuminating Practice’.